Using a slow-developing multifocal tumor model of HCC (SB-HCC) that was partially responsive to PD-L1, Webb et al. tested the addition of an oncolytic vesicular stomatitis virus expressing interferon-β (VSV-IFNβ), and found that it antagonized the effects of anti-PD-L1 due to the overexpansion of one or a few dominant virus-specific T cell populations at the expense of subdominant tumor-specific populations that were otherwise expanded following anti-PD-L1. However, encoding a range of HCC tumor antigens (cDNA library derived from three different SB-HCC explants) within VSV restored and improved upon the therapeutic benefit.
Contributed by Lauren Hitchings
ABSTRACT: Although patients benefit from immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) therapy in a broad variety of tumors, resistance may arise from immune suppressive tumor microenvironments (TME), which is particularly true of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Since oncolytic viruses (OV) can generate a highly immune-infiltrated, inflammatory TME, OVs could potentially restore ICI responsiveness via recruitment, priming, and activation of anti-tumor T cells. Here we find that on the contrary, an oncolytic vesicular stomatitis virus, expressing interferon-§ (VSV-IFN§), antagonizes the effect of anti-PD-L1 therapy in a partially anti-PD-L1-responsive model of HCC. Cytometry by Time of Flight shows that VSV-IFN§ expands dominant anti-viral effector CD8 T cells with concomitant relative disappearance of anti-tumor T cell populations, which are the target of anti-PD-L1. However, by expressing a range of HCC tumor antigens within VSV, combination OV and anti-PD-L1 therapeutic benefit could be restored. Our data provide a cautionary message for the use of highly immunogenic viruses as tumor-specific immune-therapeutics by showing that dominant anti-viral T cell responses can inhibit sub-dominant anti-tumor T cell responses. However, through encoding tumor antigens within the virus, oncolytic virotherapy can generate anti-tumor T cell populations upon which immune checkpoint blockade can effectively work.