Keeping it local: SynNotch-engineered T cells deliver payloads to specific tissues for a diverse range of applications
December 18, 2024
Immunotherapies are often used to target specific antigens or deliver specific payloads for the treatment of various diseases, but systemic toxicities or side effects in other tissues can limit the safety and efficacy of these treatments. Recently, two teams of researchers working with lead author Dr. Wendell Lim have demonstrated the use of...
Rab8a restores youthful function in DCs from aged mice
December 11, 2024
With advanced age comes impaired immunity and thus, increased susceptibility to diseases, including infections and cancer. Investigating factors that contribute to this reduced immune functionality, Singh et al. evaluated splenic and bone marrow-derived DCs and found that in aged mice, DCs showed reduced IFN responses, inefficient antigen presentation, and poor stimulation of adaptive...
CD73 and PD-1 gatekeep self-reactive CD4+ T cell expansion
December 4, 2024
T cell tolerance to self antigens is essential for the prevention of autoreactivity, and negative selection in the thymus is partially responsible for this process. However, at least one-third of CD4+ T cells reactive to a self antigen escape clonal selection. These cells do not expand well after vaccination, suggesting other tolerance mechanisms...