Weekly Digests



Tetraspecific molecule invites NK cells to kill tumors

October 26, 2022

NK cell targeting is increasingly gaining interest for cancer immunotherapy due to its potential to induce effective antitumor responses with a limited risk of toxicities. To achieve effective activation of NK cells, co-engagement of different activating receptors is required, and IL-2 signaling can further increase NK cell activation and proliferation. To induce tumor-specific...

BATF drives CAR T cells… to exhaustion

October 19, 2022

T cell exhaustion is a major focus of research in cancer immunotherapy, and particularly in CAR T cell therapy, but still the exact mechanisms that drive T cells to exhaustion are not fully understood. Recently, Zhang, Zhang, and Qiao et al. developed an in vitro CAR hypofunction model and identified the AP-1 family...

New molecule uses PD-1 to supply IL-2 to reactive T cells

October 12, 2022

IL-2 can induce the differentiation of stem-like T cells into CD8+ T cell populations with better effector functions in chronic infection. However, systemic treatment with IL-2 induces adverse effects, such as the expansion of Tregs. To overcome this problem, Deak, Nicolini, Hashimoto, and Karagianni et al. engineered an immunocytokine, PD1-IL2v, that induces stronger...

Vaccine targeting HPV antigens shows promise against CIN in phase I/IIa clinical trial

October 5, 2022

Infection with human papilloma virus (HPV) is linked to the vast majority of cervical cancers, and while the widespread adoption of prophylactic vaccines against HPV has promised to reduce instances of cervical cancer going forward, the options remain limited for those who currently have HPV-associated premalignant or malignant lesions. In a recent study...

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